the real


What a delightful lady to work with. Don’t be fooled by the biker girl looks and clobber. Rae is super-intelligent with a degree in Physics.

A great conversationalist and raconteur, we had a really top notch connection and Rae followed and led ideas throughout the shoot.

Surprisingly enough, Rae was very nervous about the shoot initially but I’m pretty good at making my sitters feel at ease with a bit of banal banter, and we got on like a house on fire in next to no time.

I love to shoot people who have an alternative kind of style. The crazier the better for me. So why not show off your latest look with an image you can proudly put on display or post on social?

β€œThe session really helped kick start my confidence to do more!”

Rae Downes


Easy Rider Ron


Safia's Spring Clean